February is here, the snow is flying and it is cold outside.
But it is warm in the Bozeman Senior Center and the Coffee is hot.
Come to the Center and enjoy being warm and meet new people.
We are having our Valentines day lunch on February 14th and we are serving Roast Beef and Eden Health is providing a photo booth.
Call 406-526-2421 for your reservation. The cost is $5.00 for folks 60 and over, $7.00 for those under 60. We start serving at noon but come early for a good parking spot and table.
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About the Bozeman Senior Center
The selection of programs and services we offer attract clientele from all over the greater Bozeman area. Some of these include: meals served daily in a dining space that accommodate 300 people, Meals-on-Wheels, a wood shop, a thrift store run by volunteers...